Fluoride Treatment

Protect your family's dental health and boost their smiles with this safe and effective practice.

Why Is Fluoride Treatment Important?

It helps prevent tooth decay in two ways:

Topical Application

Topical application of fluoride, such as with toothpaste or mouthwash, benefits teeth that are already present in the mouth (erupted). Teeth absorb the topical fluoride and incorporate it into their structure. This creates teeth that are more resistant to decay. Topical fluoride can also help to harden and strengthen areas that are already in the beginning stages of decay.

Systemic Fluoride

Systemic fluoride benefits teeth that are still forming. By ingesting fluoride, it is available in the body and can be built into the structure of the new teeth. This allows teeth to erupt, which are stronger and more resistant to decay. Some systemic fluoride is present in saliva, so that it can provide a topical benefit as well. Systemic fluoride can come from drinking water, supplements, as well as certain food sources.

Treatment for Adults

It is a common misconception that fluoride is recommended for children only.

Many adults can benefit from fluoride as well.

Gum Recession
Adults who have receding gums are at a higher risk for decay. When the gums recede, the soft root surface of the tooth becomes exposed. The soft root, which lacks the hard protection of enamel, is more easily attacked by acids and sugars in food, drink, and plaque.
Dr. Kristy in the dental office talking to the patient about Xerostomia treatment
Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)
Many medications and health conditions can lead to a decrease in saliva or a change in the consistency of saliva. "Can dry mouth cause gum recession?" Yes—dry mouth can contribute to gum recession over time, the absence of adequate saliva can leave the gums more vulnerable to irritation and damage. Without the right amount or consistency of saliva, teeth are more prone to decay.

When You Visit

Children … Click to open this link in the same window … and adults should have a caries (cavity) risk assessment by their dentist on their first visit. The dentist … Click to open this link in the same window … will take into account the patient’s history of cavities (and for children, their parent’s history of cavities), habits, diet, oral hygiene, dental health, and overall health. Patients at an increased risk for
cavities may have fluoride recommended by their dentist. … Click to open this link in the same window …

To avoid future dental problems, ask us what fluoride treatment can do for you.

Let's Get Started
Welcome to Hawley Lane Dental.
  • Monday - 9:00am–5:00pm
  • Tuesday - 8:00am–5:00pm
  • Wednesday - 8:00am–5:00pm
  • Thursday - 8:00am–5:00pm
  • Friday - 8:00am–5:00pm
Four of our dental assistants at Hawley Lane Dental smiling while giving thumbs up